lawn sprinkler

Water Damage Due to Sprinklers – Causes and Prevention Tips

Water Damage Due to Sprinklers: Causes and Prevention Tips 

In the summertime, homeowners always try to keep their lawns green and their bushes bright amid the intense heat. Sprinklers are an excellent way of keeping your lawn looking great with minimal work. However, the added water usage on your property may present damage to your home without you knowing. 

Both the interior and exterior of your house could get damaged by water because of the ongoing sprinkler system. To prevent that damage to your home, taking preventative measures is a must. 

The damage may be caused by many factors, from human error to mechanical mistakes. But generally, water damage caused by your sprinkler system can be rooted in three circumstances:

  • Improper Installation

The sprinkler system supplies water to all areas of your garden through the underground pipes. If it wasn’t properly installed, you risk getting chaos in and around your home. 

The pipes could run too close to your home’s foundation and leak underneath. Eventually, that may seep into your house and cause severe damage. 

  • Burst Pipes

Since your sprinkler system is connected to your house’s waterline, a burst pipe could lead to damage in your home. That damage could result in water easily flooding the inside of your home or even creating sinking areas across your yard. 

Either way, the damage can be massive and requires immediate attention. 

  • Overspray

Another common cause of water damage to homes is overspray. While more frequently seen in graffiti and commercial paint jobs, overspray may also happen with sprinkler systems. 

To prevent that, ensure that your sprinkler heads are fully functional and in order before setting them off on timers throughout the day and night.

How To Avoid Water Damage to Your House 

There are some precautions you can take to prevent water damage to your home. For instance, you can install a rain sensor that can help check water levels and notify your sprinkler to skip the next cycle. That way, your lawn won’t get overwatered, and the excess water won’t seep into your home structure.

When you don’t set a timer, you might find pools of water in your backyard that can damage your home’s foundation. The most important thing is that you monitor your sprinkler system’s schedule so you can control the amount of water around your home.

The Dangers of Water Damage

A water-damaged home is a perfect environment for mold and mildew. These can pose serious health risks to your family, from allergic reactions to respiratory concerns. It’s vital to keep moisture away from your home’s foundation, especially when you have children and pets.


Once you know the dangers of water damage to your home, you can establish the best preventative methods to save your home from the risks. Once you have these measures in place, you don’t need to worry about extensive damage to your home anymore. 

If you need a professional water damage restoration service in Boise, ID, Master Restoration is here to help! We are a water damage restoration, mold remediation, and disaster cleanup company committed to helping our customers live safely and comfortably in their homes. 

With years of experience and specialization in water, fire, and mold cleanup, we will guide you through the process of minimizing damages to your home. Get in touch with us today and let us take care of your property!

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