3 Tips To Remedy The Initial Effects Of Water Damage
For most residents in Boise (and the rest of Idaho), there’s no problem that poses a greater threat to any home or comes up more often than water damage.
Regardless of where you’re based, you may have experienced a flood ravage your home and leave quite a bit of damage at least once in your life. If you’ve recently moved to the area for the first time, spring rains and melting snow are our greatest flooding culprits along with the usual broken pipes, dishwashers etc.. Given that floods can occur in the area because of location and weather, you should stay on top of water damage with an adequate amount of knowledge on how to handle it.
Should you find yourself in a troublesome spot where too much water enters your home, crawlspace or basement, here are three tips you can get started with before expert help arrives:
Tip #1: Unplug everything from your outlets
If you’ve got a flood currently taking place, the very first step to minimize the amount of damage that takes place while protecting your safety is to unplug all the appliances from your outlets.
As the water level rises, it’s crucial to remove all items plugged into your home’s sockets because even the slightest water exposure can cause your appliances and outlets to explode and worsen the damage. By acting fast and unplugging everything, you can also save yourself and your family from the risk of electrical shocks and explosions. This essentially adds priceless savings to the thousands in damage you’ll prevent by doing this simple task!
Tip #2: Start inspecting for mold and removing it once everything is safe
One crucial tip that most water damage restoration experts wish clients knew during dire situations is that acting quickly on the presence of mold can go a long way.
Before performing this task, it is crucial to ensure that all the water in the property has adequately drained. Once the coast is clear, a task that you should do immediately is inspecting for the presence of mold growths around your home as these can pose health hazards and additional costs. By taking the time to inspect your property for the presence of mold, cutting all sources for growth, and drying any damp or standing water immediately, you can clear the area and buy yourself some time before calling a specialist!
Tip #3: Remove everything that has been damaged by water
Whether it’s a soaked carpet or wet drywall, an essential water damage prevention tip that you need to consider is to remove any material that’s been damaged. By taking out porous materials that have been soaked with a copious amount of water, you can prevent mildew from popping up while supporting the water damage repair process afterwards.
Although the idea of dealing with water damage is an undesirable one, it’s vital to act right away so that you can prevent even more problems and reduce the costs you’ll need to deal with. Through the help of the three tips mentioned above, you can keep your home safe in the event of a flood or water damage. On top of that, performing these crucial steps is to ensure the health and wellness of you and your family!
If you are looking for a water damage restoration service in Boise, ID, get in touch with us today to see how we can help you. Our professionals will assess the damage, find the source of the problem, start the cleanup right away, and restore your home or office with fast, quality artisanship that you deserve!